You are hereHomeForum of Barcelona city, in SpainPark Güell Admission Ticket

Barcelona city, in Spain : Park Güell Admission Ticket

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alice Posted the 22 Sep 18 at 17h32

Wower registred 27/03/2016
Popularty : 4

Visit Park Güell with your admission ticket and explore the unique site at your own pace.

The plan for the park was assigned to Gaudí by Eusebi Güell, a Catalan entrepreneur who wanted to recreate a British residential park on Muntanya Pelada (Bare Mountain).

When Eusebi Güell died in 1918, his heirs offered the park to the city council, which agreed to purchase the site during its municipal plenary meeting held on 26 May 1922. It was opened as a municipal park in 1926.

As a public space, Park Güell was much appreciated by Barcelona’s inhabitants, and also became a major draw for visitors to the city. It was recognized as an artistic monument in 1969 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984.
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