You are hereHomeForum of Amsterdam city, in NetherlandsAmsterdam Van Gogh Museum Ticket

Amsterdam city, in Netherlands : Amsterdam Van Gogh Museum Ticket

Author Question
grace Posted the 30 Sep 18 at 13h05

Wower registred 23/12/2017
Popularty : 8

As one of Amsterdam's most popular attractions, the Van Gogh Museum draws over a million visitors each year. With this ticket, discover over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and more than 750 letters from Van Gogh at your own pace.
Access a wide range of permanent and temporary exhibitions. Explore various aspects of 19th-century art history and delve deeper into the work of 2 iconic artists at the exclusive new exhibition "Munch : Van Gogh".

Forget waiting times. Enjoy instant access to the Van Gogh Museum courtesy of the blue lane ticket – the fastest way to get into the museum.

By booking your preferred entry time in advance, you'll benefit from immediate access and sail past the queues of people waiting to get in. With more time to enjoy inside the museum, you can dive straight into the fantastic collections on display.

When you arrive, simply head to the blue lane and present your mobile voucher to get immediate access.
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