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Paris city, in France : Single Person Alone in Paris Hotel or Hostel ?

Author Question
robin Posted the 20 Apr 16 at 14h42

Wower registred 07/08/2014
Popularty : 0

Hi Guys,

I am a single person, travelling alone to Paris would be in Paris for 2 nights I need a suggestion on what kind of place should I look at to stay, since am alone, I don't mind also staying in a good hostel ! As being alone and just for 2 nights in Paris I don't want to spend too high on Accomodation ! So what would make sense staying in a Hotel or a Hostel what would work out cheaper and economical !

If it's gonna be a Hostel which one is like considered a good hostel in all aspects Staying experience, amenities, cleanliness, location which is close to almost all the happening place in Paris ! The entire saying experience in that Hostel has to be good !! Since it is my first time in Paris I am gonna be straight away heading to the Eiffel Tower on my first day so something around that would be ideal ! but that's not the only criteria ! I can stay a little far away also from the Eiffel Tower that is fine !

So what should should I be looking at Hotel or Hostel !

L'homme veut être le premier amour de la femme, alors que la femme veut être le dernier amour de l'homme.
Oscar Wilde

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