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Paris city, in France : Traveling Europe!

Author Question
zina Posted the 20 Apr 16 at 15h01

Wower registred 07/08/2014
Popularty : 0

I'm looking into traveling around Europe for the first time... I've been looking into sites like EF College Break, Contiki, Busabout. I wanted to hear some reviews from you all! Does anyone have tips or thoughts for me? I haven't really looked into doing it on my own because I'll be traveling solo and I like the idea of meeting a group of fellow travelers/college students, plus it seems very stressful for me to try and plan it all on my own! I'm looking at 10 days to two weeks, my main places of interest are Paris, Florence, Rome, Venice, Munich, London, and I'd love to visit the Greek islands. This is my must do list, I have a few other things I'd like to do if I could fit it in but they aren't priority (Swiss alps, Amsterdam, Milan, a few others) . I have been hooked on the idea of jumping around to all my main places to get all that out of my system, but I mainly want to see Italy right now so I've thought about just going to Italy and possibly adding on the Greek Islands. I really haven't decided anything at this point, if you can't tell! I appreciate all your help in advance!

La tendresse du coeur, c'est ce que la nature reconnaît donner aux hommes en leur accordant les larmes ; c'est là la meilleure part de nos sentiments.

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