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Lyon city, in France : Recherche une sous-location

Author Question
charlie Posted the 11 Jan 18 at 08h57

Wower registred 23/12/2017
Popularty : 1

Hey everyone. I am looking for a room in Lyon from February until March during my internship in to lyonnais Hospitals. I am an easy-going, very sociable Person and am open to any recommendations you have. I also wouldn't mind moving after a month or two....
Pllllllease help!! :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas!

Authors Replies
ISLA1 Posted 11 Jan 18 at 09h00

Registred 23/12/2017
Popularity : 1

I will live my flat soon

Travel As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.

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