You are hereHomeForum of Paris city, in FranceI need help with my coursework focusing on Paris

Paris city, in France : I need help with my coursework focusing on Paris

Author Question
katia Posted the 20 Apr 16 at 13h47

Wower registred 07/12/2014
Popularty : 0


I would like to know if there is anyone here who is competent in French History (a history or international relations student maybe). I am in a difficult situation about my class and I thought that maybe the great CS community can help me.

I need help/advices about my coursework about French history (with a focus on Paris). My questions are here:

I missed the related seminars and class visits because of the fire outbreak in my place and the related process. I recovered the things at least but now I have one week until the deadline (22th April) and other two essays. (if I fail, I may have problem with my scholarship program)

Especially, it would be so nice if someone give advices me to answer these questions in a fastest/easiest way (except Wikipedia) or accompany me for the related visits to take photos. (In order to express my thanks to the accompanying one(s), I can prepare some Turkish food or order a drink/food later :)

Please pm me for the details.


«Suis toujours ton coeur, mais prends ton cerveau avec toi» – Alfred Adler

Authors Replies
david1 Posted 20 Apr 16 at 13h48

Registred 21/03/2016
Popularity : 5

ok katia i can help you ;)


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