You are hereHomeForum of Lyon city, in FranceSummer Intern Looking for a Place to Stay

Lyon city, in France : Summer Intern Looking for a Place to Stay

Author Question
laura Posted the 20 Apr 16 at 15h06

Wower registred 09/12/2014
Popularty : 3


My name is Laura and I will be in Paris from May 17th to August 17th (3 months) working as a Summer Research Intern at a University here. I am looking for an affordable place to stay during this time and was hoping someone could host me or direct me to where I can find a cheap place. I am from Canada, speak 3 languages and hope to meet some great people during my time here as well!

Mon être était semblable à une statue inachevée ; L'amour m'a ciselé : je suis devenu un homme

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