You are hereHomeForum of Batna city, in AlgeriaWhat is souvenir game

Batna city, in Algeria : What is souvenir game

Author Question
sonia Posted the 13 Aug 17 at 23h46

Wower registred 24/06/2012
Popularty : 10

Offering or getting gifts from random person you never met before, and you don't even know what the gift could be, so mysterious and exciting
you can be the giver or the taker
the giver is the person who will put the gift somewhere in the city, it could be some bar or just some forgetten place, label the gift with the giver's code(wowdestination will give you it), and add the necessary information like the address the GPS cordinates, and advice how to get to the place
when someone find the gift and enter the giver's code, the giver will get a key as award, he can use the key to start an othe operation as a taker to get a souvenir this time
when you start an opertion using a key, wowdestination will give you the giver's code and the cordinates of one random hidden souvenir in the city, and then is for you find it follow the giver's advice and go to the address, it is perfect for traveler and adventurous
in the end of the game, wowdestination will give you the profile pages of each others and it is good to become friends.

L’homme ne peut aboutir qu’à des à peu près.

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