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sujet forum - Munich: Oktoberfest 2018

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Forum : Post : Munich: Oktoberfest 2018


Auteur Question
grace Posté à 18h24 le 22 Sep 18

Membre inscrit le 23/12/2017
Messages : 20


Experience the camaraderie of an international festival crowd as you drink copious amounts of beer at the Munich Oktoberfest.

Join hands with old German folk and young travelers alike as they fill the city's legendary beer halls. Welcome to the rainbow of the human condition, amplified by ridiculous rides, lots of slurring and great friendship. You will experience Oktoberfest from within a campsite, where pre-erected tents will be waiting (mattress and sleeping bag included) to keep you snug at night.

Enjoy the carnival atmosphere as DJs spin tunes and live bands and live radio shows keep you entertained. Take advantage of the open bar and enjoy unlimited beer and sangria for an extra €10 per day. Your chef will serve up hot and tasty breakfasts and dinners each day to keep your stomachs happy.

You have to participate to fully understand, but rest assured your senses will be overwhelmed. You’ll leave feeling dizzy, dazed and confused. To make the most of all this fun, the 4-day package comes highly recommended so that you can truly get into the swing of the celebrations.

Join the beer train and make new friends with some of the coolest folk in Europe. Party and see why people choose to Oktoberfest in Munich year after year.
[linkaagetyourguide.com/munich-l26/munich-oktoberfest-2016-t61461/?partner_id=C7JTOT9imageaawowdestination.com/textaajoin here for more details]

Travel As much as you can. As far as you can. As long as you can. Life’s not meant to be lived in one place.

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